GD1 - Make a Desktop Background

  • Find some LARGE images on google of things that you like. When you are taking the images, make sure you are viewing the "full image" and you are saving them to your desktop before you bring them into Photoshop.
  • Open a new document in Photoshop. Your dimensions should be:
    Width: 1920 PIXELS
    Height: 1080 PIXELS
    Resolution: 72 p.p.i.
  • Bring your photos into your new document and design a desktop background for your computer. I am expecting that you use the tools we have discussed so far:
    1. Move Tool
    2. A variety of Selection Tools (Rectangular Marquee, Elliptical Marquee, Lasso Family, Magic Wand & the Quick Selection)
    3. Opacity
    4. New layers
    5. Brush & Eraser Tool
    6. Paint Bucket tool and Gradient Tool
You should also show the concept of BALANCE
  • If you are re-sizing and image with your move tool, remember to hold the shift key and grab only a corner so that your image is not stretched or squeezed.
  • When you are creating selection areas, if you grab "too little", hold your SHIFT key and use one of your selection tools to ADD to your selection. 
  • When you are creating selection areas, if you grab "too much", hold your OPTION key and Lasso around the area that you don't want as part of the selection. The OPTION key will REMOVE an part of your selection

Finished Background