GD1 - Digital Coloring

There are several things you will have to do in order to receive full credit for this project. Your goals of this project involve understanding the proper use of art materials (in this case, Photoshop.)

  • You must delete the tracing paper areas from your drawing layer. Leave your drawing layer on the TOP of your document.
  • You must make sure that your drawing layer does NOT contain any color.
  • You must make a new layer for every color.
  • You must use your paintbrush tool and HARD-EDGE brushes to fill in your color.
  • You must make sure your document is clean - stay in the lines! :)
  • You should have at least 15 layers of color in your document. If you have more, great. If you have less, find areas to add more color.
  • Overlap layers when necessary. 
  • You should be able to explain why you made certain design decisions.

For this short skill-building project, you will be digitally coloring your drawing.
1. Your scanned drawing will be placed on your desktop. Bring it into Photoshop
2. Open a new document in Photoshop. Set the dimensions at 8 inches by 10 inches at 300ppi (or 10 inches by 8 inches at 300ppi.)

3. Drag your drawing into your new document.


5. Use your Magic Wand tool to delete the white areas of your drawing.  

Turn off your contiguous (which means "touching" or "adjacent") function in your Options Palette. This will allow you to select ALL parts of the layer that are similar in color.

6. Once you have removed all of the white areas of your drawing, begin to color your drawing by making a new layer for EVERY color. You may need to clean up stray pixels with your Eraser tool.

Colors should be on separate layers. You need at least 15 layers of color.
Think about the colors you are using. USE REPETITION IN YOUR COLORS. Do your best to choose colors that you think work together. We will talk more about color as the trimester progresses. You can also use your SWATCHES palette (Window>Swatches) for color options

Use these key commands to help you work faster!
"E" - Switches to your eraser
"B" - Switches to your brush
"Command Shift N" - Makes a new layer
"Command +" - Zooms In
"Command -" - Zooms Out
Brackets [ ] - Makes your brush size bigger or smaller