GDAP: Make a difference with design - Examples

What does it feel like when someone REACTS to something you have created?

Can you affect an individual with design?

TARGET: Brother (of the designer)
PROBLEM: Long-distance family member who is homesick
SOLUTION: Create a series of postcards commemorating the good times they have shared.
ABOUT THIS IDEA: This designer contacted some friends to help him with this project. He would tell them each a different story and asked them to visually interpret the story. Each design result became a postcard to send to the brother. The design also created seasonal "kits" to be sent to his brother. Each kit included a few different photographs, a music mix, a poster, and a notebook (custom-made, each with its own personal meaning.)
PURPOSE: To let someone know you are thinking about him.

TARGET: Mother (of the designer)
PROBLEM: Has tons of little momentos from the past all thrown into a box.
SOLUTION: Memories Box
ABOUT THIS IDEA: This small box was sent to the mother of the designer. In it, the designer placed a small collection of personal items to remind her of things that are important to her. There were also other items to represent peculiar times and interesting stories. Her mother can also update the items or add her own.
PURPOSE: To fondly recall times and interesting things about the past.

Can you affect a community with design?

A COMMUNITY is defined as social unit larger than a household that shares common values and has social cohesion.

TARGET COMMUNITY: Local Neighborhood
PROBLEM: Disinterest and lack of involvement in local politics and elections. People are not voting nor are they even aware of their own local leadership.
SOLUTION: Neighborhood Pre-Caucus Kit
ABOUT THIS IDEA: The kit below contains all things necessary for a household to host a party aimed at getting people in their neighborhood excited about their local leadership. The kit contains
1. a guide to throwing a pre-caucus party
2. yard signs for advertising;
3. ice-breaker buttons
4. "neighborhood views" cards to be given to the people that are eventually elected during the caucus meeting to let them know what people in this neighborhood feel are important.
PURPOSE: Bring politics back the members of the community and have them participate politically in their own neighborhood.

TARGET COMMUNITY: Anyone who does laundry
PROBLEM: Missing Socks
SOLUTION: Create a comical, light-hearted reason for all the missing socks... and to make amends.
ABOUT THIS IDEA: The designer created an explanation for all the socks that are missing in the world. He blames everything on Gene, a sock-addicted washing machine who has been eating everyone's socks for years. Suffering from a guilty conscience, Gene has decided to make amends and offer launderers everywhere an apologetic gift: a package containing a one sock and 11 uses for a single sock.
PURPOSE: Make a community laugh.

TARGET COMMUNITY: Patients Recovering After Orthopedic Surgery
PROBLEM: Cold and impersonal hospital experiences when leaving a hospital after surgery.
SOLUTION: Create a post-op "Departure Pack" for patients
ABOUT THIS IDEA: This designer had an uncomfortable situation when leaving a hospital after a knee surgery. She received tons of paperwork and items to take home, yet she could not organize it or carry it due to the crutches. Her solution was to create easy-to-carry departure packs for patients. These kits include a tote bag to carry items, uncomplicated instruction pamphlets for continued care at home as well as general supplies for basic post-op incision care, a prescription pouch to organize prescriptions and an ice pack.
PURPOSE: To provide patients with comfort and security in the days after an operation

TARGET COMMUNITY: Commuters/Pedestrians
PROBLEM: Rainy Days
SOLUTION: The "Spoonful of Sugar" Campaign
ABOUT THIS IDEA: Realizing that many busy commutes frequently leave the house Donning a Mary Poppins outfit and carrying chocolate covered spoons, this design student escorted umbrella-less commuters across busy streets on a drizzly, rainy day.
PURPOSE: Make a community smile.