INSTRUCTIONS: Create a Desktop Background

Use the document provided in Google Classroom to start. Select images to use in your background from Google images. Make sure you are finding images that are large enough for your purpose. Use Image>Image Size to see the size of your document. Use your judgement to determine how many pixels your images should be.

  • You should be trying to create a SURREAL design. Think about applying meaning to this design. Surreal does not mean the design should be crazy and completely nonsensical. There was always meaning in the work. Adding meaning, or a story, makes your art better. It's ok to allow viewer to come to their own conclusions about your work. People may have different interpretations of your work. This is ok. What's not ok, is for viewers to have trouble coming up with any interpretation at all.
  • Your design should be BALANCED (Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, or Radial -- you choose)

You should be practicing how to combine images onto a single document. This will require cutting around objects. You should be using your selection tools when you can, but you can also use your Eraser too to cut around an object.

If you are using your eraser tool: For a CLEAN edge use a HARD-EDGED brush and a FULL opacity; For a BLENDED edge for your brush or eraser tool, use a SOFT-EDGED brush and a LOW opacity.