Surrealism is a style of artwork that originated in the 1920s. The Surrealist movement was founded in Paris by a small group of writers
and artists who sought to channel the unconscious as a means to unlock
the power of the imagination. Each artist relied on their own recurring imagery, symbols, and theme taken from their
dreams or/and unconscious mind. Artwork from this movement was dedicated to expressing the imagination as
revealed in dreams, free of the conscious control of reason and
One of the most famous surrealists was
Salvador Dali. Some of his work included small collages of his dream images. His work
employed a meticulous classical technique that contradicted the "unreal dream" space that he created
with strange characters that were "human-like," but altered. DalĂ used many methods
to create a reality from his dreams and subconscious thoughts, thus
mentally changing reality to what he wanted it to be and not
necessarily what it was.
SALVADOR DALI - Swans Reflecting Elephants |
SALVADOR DALI - Metamorphosis of Narcissus |
SALVADOR DALI - Ship with Butterfly Sails |