Printing from PHOTOSHOP

Photoshop has layers. The layers are problematic for the printer because it makes the file size bigger -- so the printer takes longer to process it
  1. First, SAVE your project as you normally do. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!!
  2. Then go to File>Save As
  3. In the popup that appears, you will see a place that says "Format". Use the dropdown menu to change the format of your document from "PSD" (Photoshop Document) to "JPEG" and then SAVE your file. On the next screen, put the quality at 12 or maximum.

    This saves your layered Photoshop file as a flat .jpg -- essentially, a picture.
  4. Find the .jpg that you just saved on your computer and drag it to Photoshop to open it. The .jpg file will have only have ONE layer (background.)
  5. Once you have opened the JPEG file in Photoshop, go to File>Print
  6. When the pop-up box appears, you will see a preview of your document on the left side. Make sure nothing in your document is getting cut off. You may need to rotate the orientation of the picture so it prints on the paper vertically (portrait) or horizontally (landscape)

  7. Make sure you are printing to the "Glab-3068" printer and hit "Print."
  8. Make sure you KEEP YOUR PSD DOCUMENTS! Don't trash them. I need the PSDs to grade you. I cannot grade .jpg files because they do not contain layers.