Creating a Template


Changing your letter to a vector shape
  1. Open an 11x17 illustrator Print document.
  2. Go to View>Rulers>Show Rulers
  3. Use your type tool to type your letter. Choose a font you would like to work with. Remember that your letter has to stand on its own, so when you are choosing a letter, avoid the following kinds of type:
  4. Once you have chosen a font, make your letter 7 inches tall.  Use your rulers to help you.
  5. Your swatches will have a "Fill" (the inside), and a "Stroke" (the outline.) Put NO COLOR in your fill and give your letter a black outline. Change your stroke width to .25 in your Options Palette at the top (which, in Illustrator is actually called your Control Palette.)
  6. Select the letter with your black arrow tool. 
  7. Go to Type>Create Outlines
  8. Go to Object>Compound Path>Release
  9. If you have a letter with a rounded bottom edge, or a letter where the bottom edge is not flat, follow the instructions below in RED. If not, continue to the next instructions in black.
  10. For rounded letters, or a letter where the bottom edge is not flat:
  11. At this point, select your Rectangular Shape Tool and Draw a rectangle over your letter where you would like to flatten the bottom edge.
  12. Open your Pathfinder Palette (Window>Pathfinder)
  13. Use your black arrow tool to select the letter and the rectangle.
  14. In the Pathfinder Palette, click on the second icon under "Shape Modes"
  15. Again, go to Object>Compound Path>Release


Measuring and creating your edges.

  1. With your Scissor Tool (sometimes hidden under your Eraser Tool), click on each CORNER of your letter. You are trying to separate each edge of your letter. Be aware that each CORNER, does not mean each point.You will also need to do this with any counter. A counter is a hole in a letter, such as in the letter R, P, or A.
  2. You will now be able to select each edge and start to create the sides of your letter. You may want to number each edge so you know where your parts connect.
  3. Open your Document Info Palette (Window>Document Info). There is a small menu in the top right corner of this palette. Click on it and choose "Objects". This will give you info for objects, instead of the entire document.
  4. Now select each edge with your black arrow tool and make note of length of that edge (your Document Info Palette will give you this information.)
  5. Select your rectangular shape tool. Click (do not drag) on your document once. This will give you a pop-up window to create a sized rectangle, instead of trying to draw one freehand. Put in the size of your first edge for the height. The width with be the same for each rectangle that you make. Put 1.5 inches for your width. This means the depth of your letter will be 1.5 inches.
  6. Continue to make rectangles for each edge of your letter and place in your Illustrator document. 


  1. Create tabs where parts need to be glued together. Make trapezoidal tabs for straight edges and triangular tabs for rounded edges.

    If you have to break up edges because they are too long, make sure you connect them with a tab. Label pieces if necessary -- you can always place helpful information on your tabs since they will not be seen in your final design.
  2. Create dotted/dashed lines to show where your template should be folded
  • With your Scissor Tool, separate the edges of any of your rectangles that need to be dashed. Remember that edge that needs to be folded should be dashed. Any edge that needs to be cut should be solid.
  • Open your Stroke Palette and select an edge that needs to be dashed. Click the checkbox that says "dashed line." You can also control how long the dashes are in the numerical fields below the checkbox.
  • Lastly, select your whole template and change the width of your stroke to .5pts or .25pts so it isn't very thick.