Drawing Cartoons!

    STEP ONE: Sketching
    • You must create FULL CHARACTERS -- head to toe.
    • Your drawing can be a human, animal, creature, robot, alien, etc. but you must have a lot of detail. 
    • Do not copy any existing cartoon. Make your own original character.
    Take your newsprint and fold, then in thirds. Draw at least one character in each box. You should have a minimum of 6 characters to choose from.

    Start with the basics --  circle, rectangles, squares, ovals, triangles, etc. and see where the shapes take you. Think about not having your character stand straight and facing you with its arms by its sides (like a "gingerbread man" stance.) Can you draw it to the side? In motion? Do you want to exaggerate any part of your character? Do you want to give your character any props? What about emotions? Use your characters eyes, eyelids, and eyebrows to indicate what your character is feeling.

    STEP TWO: Final Drawing
    When you have finished your sketching, pick your favorite/best sketch and redraw it on a clean piece of computer paper. Don't worry about a background -- we will create those later.

    STEP THREE: Get your drawing to your computer. 
    How do you do this? You have three options:
    1. You could use a scanner
    2. Take a picture with your cell phone. Then get your picture from your cell phone to your computer. This can be done by:
    • emailing it to your NAPS account (jump on the school wifi to save your data)
    • OR you can save it to your Google drive app (if you have it installed on your phone)
    • OR you can actually text to an email address. Open your texting/messaging app on your phone and send a text to your NAPS email account.
           Once you have it in your email, DOWNLOAD it and drag it from your downloads folder to Photoshop.

    3. Lastly, you can also use the PhotoBooth app on your computer. Take a picture with the app and then drag the little icon of your picture to your desktop