INSTRUCTIONS - Create a Geometric Animal in Illustrator

As you are working in Illustrator, try to use its capabilities to create better, cleaner shapes. Instead of creating everything by hand with the pen tool, start thinking about breaking your objects down into basic geometric shapes.


Utilizing the pathfinder and align panel will drastically change the look of what you create. This assignment is meant to change your approach to how you make components to a design.


Find a few large images of an animal. You don't only have to work from one image. Remember, the goal is to capture the essence of the animal. Using only perfect circles (hold the shift key), create an illustration of your animal.

Tips for success...
  • Don't be afraid to use huge circles to create subtle curves.
  • Hold your shift key whenever you are creating a new circle or resizing a current circle. This will ensure your circles stay uniform in size. Circles that aren't uniform are ovals. 
  • Duplicate your original circles whenever possible. When you are using the pathfinder panel or shapebuilder tool, you will be changing the structure of your circles. In Illustrator, it's difficult to have to "undo" work, so try to preserve your work whenever possible.
  • Lock layers/groups/paths that you aren't using when they get in the way.
  • Don't use the line tool. If you have a line to create, figure out how to make that line with circles.
  • Try to stay as organized as possible.
  • Try to capture the essence of the animal. Think about important details that help add character.
  • If you need to use the stroke of a circle, go to Object>Path>Outline Stroke. This will turn your stroke into a path. Then, you can use the pathfinder panel and shapebuider tool on it.
  • Make as many artboards as you need.
  • Frequent saves are a must!
  • Use your scale tool and reflect tool to help streamline your process
  • Use the align functions to make sure you are lining up objects.
  • If you need to subtract an area with your shapebuilder tool, hold your Option key while dragging.
  • Be aware of "cracks" or bumps where your shapes join. Fix them as you go, instead of leaving them until the end.
  • Don't be afraid of adding a little texture to your animal. It helps make them look less rigid.
  • Try not to go overboard with circles. Look for where you can simplify your edges. If you create your animal with too many circles, your program will start to lag. If this is the case, time to try again. It's not unheard of to have to make adjustments and try again -- sometimes two or three times until you get into a good groove.