Course Expectations - Graphic Design 3

Graphic Design 3
Ms. Looney

In this class, we will learn advanced design techniques. Google classroom will be your main hub for the entire trimester. This class has fewer projects, however they are longer and more intensive. You will be expected to complete work outside of class.

As a student in the class, you will be granted home access to the entire Adobe Suite, provided you have a computer that can handle the program. This will allow you to do some of your work at home and explore concepts further. Instructions will be posted later on Google Classroom.
Throughout the trimester, we will actively use:
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Google Drive
Google File Stream

An Intensely Focused State of Distraction
Take a moment and think about what that might mean? What do you feel like when you forget your phone at home? How anxious are you when you realize you might have left your phone in a public place? What about the anger when someone doesn't let you use your phone? Or the distracted feeling when you hear or see a notification come through and you are unable to focus on anything until you check the it? How long can you go without checking your phone? 5-minutes? 30-minutes? This is all part of focused distraction, and it's something we try to curb in this class.

"I'm so good at multitasking!" The truth is, you're not. Multitasking isn't really a thing (someone lied to you.) It actually isn't possible to focus on two things at the same time (Wait, I'll prove it. Watch this video link.) Also, having too many things that you are focused on at the same time kills your performance. So, it actually takes your brain longer to compute even easy tasks because you break your thought process. It also exhausts you mentally. Here's an article you can read while you are responding to a text, watching a video in the corner of your screen, and posting a photo.
  • Cell Phones and Devices: This class follows the NAHS Cell Phone and Device policy. You may take your cell phone or device out if we announce that we are using it for an assignment. Please use airplane mode or your phone's equivalent to curb further distractions.
  • Games or Videos: Unless you are directed to a game or a video, these are not permitted in this class -- even if you are done with your work. This includes games on your computer station or your personal device. As for videos, please do not plan on catching the highlights from last night's game or the latest political news conference in class. The same applies to YouTube music videos and playlists.
  • Earbuds: There will be (few) times when you can use earbuds/headphones in class. If you have earbuds in (or even just one earbud in) while we are going over class content, you will lose any music privileges you might have. Continued disregard will result in conversations with your parents/guardians. As an artist, I understand that music sometimes helps you work, but I need to be able to communicate with you. It is not acceptable to be partially engaged in this class.

Daily Expectations
Here is what classroom life will look like:
  • Stay on task. Do your best. Every day. 
Be open to trying new things. Some assignments you will like; some you won't, and that's ok.
  • You will not expect to use this class to do work for your other classes. This is not a free period. We will be doing work every. single. day.
  • Do not ask to go to guidance... or to drop something off at guidance... or the library... or to your car... or to talk to another teacher... or to sign up for lunch in Food Service room... or to get your books for your next class at your locker... or to drop something off at the main office. These are personal errands. Errands are things that you should do on your own time, in between classes, during lunch, or before or after school. This applies even if you are done with your work. If guidance wants to make an appointment with you, they will send a pass for your or they will call to have you sent down.
  • You will be at the same workstation every day. If you come into class and notice that there has been damage to your workstation, you will need to notify me at the beginning of class.
  • Printing: The use of our printers is only for class projects. Please do not ask me to print things for your history assignment or when you are running for class office.

  • Drinks: No drinks around the workstations. Should you choose to bring a drink to class, you must leave it in the drink box at the front of the classroom. This applies to anything with a flimsy lid or non-screw cap. If you have a bottle of water, you may keep it at your desk, so long as it has a screw-on cap.
  • Food: There is no food in this lab. We are aware that this may be your only class where you aren't allowed to eat. Seeing that you have 4 other potential classes to eat in (plus, you know, lunch), you won't die. Also, mice -- and not the kind that are used to navigate a computer. 🐭 🐭 🐭 Food + public work stations = gross.
Submitting Work
Work needs to be submitted as electronic files via google classroom. Instructions will be provided. You will need to label all files turned in with your Google Apps Username, an underscore, and the project name (kennedyjo21_landscape).

Grades are comprised of your design assignments and learning journals. Criteria for each will be outlined in each assignment introduction. Once we start graded assignments, I try my best two grade once per week, even though the school standard is once every two weeks. Please understand, if I have entered grades on a Monday and you turn in missing work on Tuesday, it will not be graded until the following week.

After-School Lab Times or Extra Help
Thursdays by appointment with 24hrs notice.