INTERESTING: Photoshopped in the Media

Click on the magazine cover to see a before/after of the image used.

A lot of images you see have "skin smoothing" techniques applied to them.

Some magazines even lighten/darken the color of a person's skin, depending on the country/region the magazine will be distributed in.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this image below. At a closer look, you can see that her body has been altered because when her waist was "pushed", the wall around her waist also got "pushed" creating crooked lines in the tiles.

Magazines have a tendency to change curves on models. Left is Rihanna on the cover of Elle Magazine. Right is her body shape.

Some advertisers are guilty of "over-photoshopping" bodies to be anatomically impossible.

Ralph Lauren took a lot of heat after the company defended the photoshop work that was done to the following pictures. Saying, basically, it was all in the name of fashion.

Just to investigate that further, here's a side-by-side shot of the model in the above ad.