Car and Driver
PC Gamer
People Magazine
Rolling Stone
Sports Illustrated
Vanity Fair
You must do all of this before you start your design (and any design, for that matter.)
- DECIDE - Choose a magazine from the logos provided on Google Classroom
- RESEARCH - Start a pinterest page and collect sample covers of your magazine. If you do not have a pinterest account, make one using your Google Apps. You will need at least 10 examples.
TIP: If you are having trouble finding examples of current issues directly on Pinterest, download this browser extension which will allow you to find and "pin" images from Google. Here is a video on how to use the"pinit" button once you have installed it. - INVESTIGATE - Copy and paste the text from this document into a new Google Doc or go to File>Make a Copy.
- Begin Your Design. Dimensions are 8.5 x 11 inches at 300ppi.
- Pull in guides and drop them at .25 inches from each edge to create a safe zone.
- Download the logo for your magazine from the folder of logos on Google Classroom. Each logo in the folder is in either an .ai (Adobe Illustrator) or .eps (Encapsulated Postscript) format. These file types are VECTOR and they contain vector data. Drag them to Photoshop. Photoshop will give you a pop-up asking you the desired size you would like to open the file at. Think about the size of your document and how big you will need this file to be. Your resolution should definitely be at 300ppi though. Ideally, you should NOT have to make your logo any bigger once it is imported into Photoshop. You might have to make it smaller, but remember that's always ok because downsizing doesn't affect quality.
- You should be creating a magazine cover that follows the same design trends as the original magazine.
- You will be creating your own new headlines from current events. Be mindful of the types of stories your magazine typically has.