Portraits: Your Mouth

If you have finished your eyes, nose, and skin, you can move on to the mouth.

VIDEO HERE. There IS sound with this one. 

Also look at the breakdown below. If you are not showing your teeth, make sure you are not just putting a line in between your lips. Look for the shadows and highlights on your lips.

If you ARE showing your teeth, here are some screen shots from the video...

Start with a large shape for both of your lips and pick a new "base" color.

Work from the inside of your mouth out. Start with any shadows you can see behind your teeth or on the inside corner of your mouth.

Then go for your gums. Include any shadows on your gums that may be created by your lips or the shape of your teeth.

When you begin your teeth, you might not be able to do them all in one piece because they might be different colors. The teeth in the back of your mouth might be darker than the ones in the front. Also, your teeth will not be bright brilliant white. While we all want that, the reality is your teeth are probably a light cream or yellow color. [Just accept it.] Use your eyedropper tool to choose a base color for your teeth.

Look for shadows in between your teeth. They will help separate your large shape into individual teeth. Look at the shadow between the two front teeth below.

Move on to your lip shadows. You might find that your top lip is darker than your bottom lip. [Totally normal.] This is because your bottom lip might stick out more, therefore it is able to get more light from the flash.

Don't forget about highlights on your lip.

And the texture, like what you see on the bottom lip here.
