Magazine Covers

  • The size of your document is 8.5x11 at 300ppi
  • Set up guides at 1/2 inch from each edge
  • You must include the Fame Monthly Logo in its original format. You may not change anything about the logo except for the color of "MONTHLY." Download the logo HERE.
  • You must include the issue number and the date: Issue 30, October 2015
  • You must have your cover story title. 
  • You must have at least 4 additional headlines. Think about stories that would appeal to slightly different audiences. If all of your cover stories are about the same thing (i.e. fashion trends), you might be only targeting a small audience. Perhaps you could use a political story, a true-life story, a pop-trend story, etc.
  • You must have a price and a barcode. 
  • You must show hierarchy in your headlines. 
  • You must restrict your fonts and your color palette, while still creating an interesting design.
  • You must effectively use alignment and GUIDES or a GRID SYSTEM to organize your information

  • Cover model should look straight into the camera. Eye contact is important.
  • Each cover needs one headline that will pop out -- in size, in color, in attitude.
  • The cover page should have a focus point. It can be a model in the image it can be a headline or a number, but something has to draw the eye.
  • Hierarchy (text ranking) is important. Plan three sections: Big section with main cover line; Smaller section with few cover lines; Smallest one with few more cover lines.
  • If you plan to use a question as the cover line, give an answer to it.
  • Use numbers since they suggest that there is a lot in a magazine. Numbers can often be your best selling point. For example, “22 best beauty salons in XYZ” By using the numbers you are telling your reader that you have made a selection from a number that is much bigger than the one you stated in your cover line.