VALUE in art refers to lights and darks.
- Find a picture and bring it into a new 8x10 document in Photoshop. Determine the composition of your picture. Concentrate on the face.
- Alter the CONTRAST if needed (make the whites "whiter" and the blacks "blacker,") go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast
- Convert your image to black and white (Image>Adjustments>Black and White). Adjust your settings to "push" some colors further towards white or black. You need to decide how far to "push" your colors. You don't want the picture to look grainy and uncomfortable, but you do want to have clear areas of white and clear areas of black with some gray. If your image is almost completely gray, you need to make different adjustments.
- Go
to Image>adjustments>Posterize. Set your posterization level
between 4 and 15 -- every photograph is different. You are looking for
something that separates your areas of value, but does not make the
image to simple too be recognized or too complicated to complete. You are trying to create a photograph that has strong areas of light and strong areas of dark.
- Save your cropped image as a .jpg
- When you open Illustrator, choose a "New Print Document." In the next pop-up window, make sure the "Advanced" section is open and choose RGB for your color mode and 150ppi for your Raster Effects.
7. Import your picture to Illustrator (File>Place.)
- Palettes to have open:
Character (Window>Type>Character)
Paragraph (Should be paired with Character Palette
Swatches/Basic RGB
Layers - Once you place your image into Illustrator, lock it in the layers palette so it doesn't move.
- Determine what areas will be empty -- with no letters or content!
- Turn off hyphenation in Illustrator. Go to the Paragraph Palette. Click on the small menu in the top right corner. Select "hyphenation" and uncheck hyphenation from the next window.
- Use your swatches palette
- Utilize your layers palette - put your type in layer sets
- Avoid rivers! See below.
In this project, your goal will be to achieve value in your artwork
using only text. There are several methods to attempt value. You will be
creating your documents in Adobe Illustrator.
To show value, you can:
You can also do a combination of two of these options, but you must consistently use both of these options throughout your design. Here are some examples. Specifically, look at the how the artist was able to achieve value. Also, pay attention to his/her use of empty space.:
To show value, you can:
You can also do a combination of two of these options, but you must consistently use both of these options throughout your design. Here are some examples. Specifically, look at the how the artist was able to achieve value. Also, pay attention to his/her use of empty space.:
I am NOT looking for this: