- Bring your scanned drawing into a new document that is 8x10 at 300ppi.
- Keep the layer with your scanned drawing at the top of your document. Keep all of your shape layers under this top copy. Do not change the opacity of any of your shape layers. If you need to "see" your drawing, turn down the opacity of the drawing layer (or shut if off completely if you want to see how your cartoon looks.)
- Use the pen tool and tangent lines to "perfect" your edges. Your drawing is a guide only.
- Start with your big sections first
- Be mindful of JOINTS. This will help you in a later animation component.
- Overlap the edges of your vector shapes so you don't have white gaps in between shapes.
- If you need to make curved, stray lines, watch the video on google classroom attached to this post.
- Make sure you are using your pen tool correctly! Use a minimal amount of points and only put a point where you what your shapes to change direction.
- Make some groups in your layers palette. Your layers palette does not have to be perfectly organized, but you might have 50-100 layers in this part of the project. Select layers with your shift or your option key and then go to Layer>Group Layers