Today, you will be creating a mashup of two photographs by Martin Schoeller.  

Martin Schoeller (German, b. 1968) is an award-winning portrait photographer renowned for extreme- close up portraits. He is a former assistant to Annie Leibovitz. His work has appeared in Rolling Stone, National Geographic, TIME, GQ, Esquire, Entertainment Weekly, and The New York Times Magazine, among other publications.

  • I will be looking for how well you blended your facial features.
  • I will be looking for your choice of brush for other parts of the image.
  • I expect all body parts to be on new layers.
  • You should have some features from BOTH people included in the final image.
  • I expect this to look like a realistic person. That means that I am not looking for added body parts (like a third eye). Also, if you have some feature that looks unnatural (like a big patch of blurry, blobby, muddy skin), FIX IT. Delete that layer and try again. 
  • This should be a 50/50 mix. Pick 3 facial features PLUS the hair or the clothing.


  1. Open a new document that is 2100px by 1200px
  2. Select two photos from the folder provided on Google Classroom
  3. Drag both photos into your new document
  4. Resize them so the faces are approximately the same size
  5. Choose one as your "base"
  6. Using the clone tool, copy body parts from your other picture onto new individual layers. So, before you go to copy a body part, you will need to make a new layer. You will need to make sure you are sampling from the "current layer and below" (look for this option in your options palette at the top of your PhotoPea screen)
  7. Use your eraser tool with a soft brush and a reduced opacity to blend the edges of your body parts onto your "base" picture. 
  8. Use your eraser tool with a hard-edged brush and full 100% opacity to cut around objects -- such as hair -- to give those parts a clean edge. 
  9. Create and use "Fix" layers when necessary.