INSTRUCTIONS: Printing with Bleed Marks

If you are at this point, you should have received corrections from the librarian and separate corrections from me. You should not be doing a final print until you have completed corrections from both of us.
  1. Save your entire document as you normally would
  2. Save your document as a .jpg
  3. Open a new document Adobe InDesign.
  4. For the size of your document put your book cover size BEFORE BLEEDS. Make sure your size is in INCHES, not picas.
  5. Scroll down to the Margins tab. Change ALL margins to ".125in." Make sure your size is in inches. It might automatically convert that number to a picas measurement. (That's ok.) 
  6. Scroll down to the Bleed . This will show you fields for your bleeds.
  7. Put ".125in." for each of your bleeds. You do not need to change the slug.
  8. Click CREATE to open your document.

You will see a document with different colored rectangles. The BLACK line is your document size. The PURPLE line is your safe zone. The RED line is your document bleed edge.

  1. Go to File>Place and place the .jpg of your book cover. It should fit perfectly within the RED bleed lines.
  2. Save your InDesign file.
  3. Then go to File>Adobe PDF Presets>High Quality Print
  4. Name and save your .pdf
  5. In the "Marks and Bleeds" tab, make sure  the following TWO items are [✓] checked:
  6. Click "Export"

This whole process generates a .pdf that has markers so you know where your bleeds are and where your cut lines are.